
In this workshop (presented in Mandarin), you will learn how to analyse single-cell RNA-sequencing count data produced by the Chromium 10x platform using R/Bioconductor. This will include reading the data into R, pre-processing data, normalization, feature selection, dimensionality reduction and downstream analysis, such as clustering and cell type annotation.

Expectation: You will learn how to generate common plots for analysis and visualisation of single cell gene expfression data, such as diagnostic plots to assess the data quality as well as dimensionality reduction techniques such as principal components analysis and t-distributed stochastic neighbourhood embedding (t-SNE). The material we will be covering on single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis is a subset of the work of Amerzquita et al. (2020) Nature Methods,17:137–145 available at

Pre-requisites: The course is aimed at PhD students, Master’s students, and third & fourth year undergraduate students. Some basic R knowledge is assumed - this is not an introduction to R course. If you are not familiar with the R statistical programming language it is compulsory that you work through an introductory R course before you attend this workshop.


After the lecture, participants are expected to follow along the hands-on session. we highly recommend participants bringing your own laptop.

R / Bioconductor packages used

The following R/Bioconductor packages will be explicitly used:

  • DropletUtils
  • scran
  • scater # singleR

Time outline

Activity Time
Introduction to scRNA-seq 15m
Analysis workflow 20m
Hands on session 10m
Q & A 10m


下载10x PBMC4k数据并读取。


由于10x 技术会使得外部RNA,也就是不包含微滴的里的细胞被同时测序。在分析之前,我们需要确保得到的barcode数据都相对应活细胞。 这里,我们使用emptyDrops来筛选“真”细胞。

对于得到的基因,根据gene ID 进行基因注释,得到基因名,并且知道其所在染色体(用于之后的细胞质量控制)。


##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    3985     315


由于在mRNA分子的捕获,逆转录,测序过程中存在一定的技术误差,相同细胞的计数深度可能不相同。我们需要在进行细胞之间的比对之前,先尽可能的排除采样效应。进行数据标准化,使得细胞之间存在可比性。这里我们使用scran(Lun et al,2016a),一种允许更多细胞异质性的方法。

##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
##  0.00749  0.71207  0.87490  1.00000  1.09900 12.25412




## [1] 9



louvain算法是一个基于图的聚类算法,我们首先构建Shared Nearest Neighbor(SNN)图,输入为使用主成分分析(PCA)降维后得到的矩阵。 在得到SNN图g之后,我们使用它作为louvain算法的输入。

## clust
##   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14 
## 353 152 376 857  48  46  68 661 287  53 541 198 219 126




在获得了聚类之后,我们想要知道每个聚类都哪些高表达的基因,这些基因往往是能区分不同细胞类型的marker gene,也可以帮助我们了解不同聚类的生物学功能。

这里,我们通过比对某一cluster和其他所有cluster的表达来找到marker gene, 并且只挑选显示上调基因。

## DataFrame with 33694 rows and 16 columns
##                   p.value       FDR summary.logFC    logFC.2     logFC.3
##                 <numeric> <numeric>     <numeric>  <numeric>   <numeric>
## LTB           4.74177e-07 0.0159769      0.364873   1.727152    2.003863
## TRADD         3.34176e-05 0.5629862      0.246261   0.246261    0.358697
## TNFAIP3       3.64851e-04 1.0000000      0.294551   0.586788    0.324352
## RP11-138A9.1  5.51754e-04 1.0000000      0.235830   0.265198    0.204199
## CD69          9.05928e-04 1.0000000      0.220119   0.889346    0.220119
## ...                   ...       ...           ...        ...         ...
## RP11-1143G9.4           1         1      -2.88441  0.0632559  0.04136662
## CD79B                   1         1      -2.65518 -0.0319757  0.04062722
## CST3                    1         1      -3.38955  0.1132112 -0.00139546
## TYROBP                  1         1      -3.77926 -0.2135870 -0.12432406
## CD79A                   1         1      -2.88958  0.0547465  0.02026294
##                   logFC.4    logFC.5    logFC.6    logFC.7    logFC.8
##                 <numeric>  <numeric>  <numeric>  <numeric>  <numeric>
## LTB              0.709584   2.236589   3.179486   1.384048   3.011681
## TRADD            0.455837   0.399715   0.625041   0.340638   0.494083
## TNFAIP3          0.386801   0.634728   0.640136   0.539046   0.355789
## RP11-138A9.1     0.297797   0.338809   0.459562   0.235830   0.436762
## CD69             0.182859   1.453419   1.796272   0.809607   1.625559
## ...                   ...        ...        ...        ...        ...
## RP11-1143G9.4  0.02079562 -0.0410564 -0.0987084 -0.0922961 -2.8844113
## CD79B          0.03988754 -0.0332708  0.0275658 -0.2155062  0.0970271
## CST3          -0.00267045 -2.1438978 -1.5534313 -0.1021948 -3.3895523
## TYROBP        -0.04510738 -1.6678515 -0.4775968  0.0929494 -3.7792602
## CD79A         -0.02744100 -0.1171942  0.0907275 -0.0144729  0.0329842
##                  logFC.9  logFC.10   logFC.11   logFC.12    logFC.13   logFC.14
##                <numeric> <numeric>  <numeric>  <numeric>   <numeric>  <numeric>
## LTB             0.364873  1.564212   0.345040   2.919553    2.640417   2.967425
## TRADD           0.219922  0.466701   0.454696   0.485817    0.455422   0.358617
## TNFAIP3         0.573474  0.294551   0.641317   0.537594    0.548100   0.548964
## RP11-138A9.1    0.261783  0.382809   0.292954   0.393811    0.414021   0.436237
## CD69            1.210379  1.001879   0.441418   0.696360    1.577163   1.468100
## ...                  ...       ...        ...        ...         ...        ...
## RP11-1143G9.4  0.0667527 -2.190784  0.0273067  0.0288028 -1.07943585 -1.7809210
## CD79B         -0.0434586 -0.464497 -2.6551786 -0.0206008 -0.27267278 -0.0135700
## CST3          -0.0285401 -2.688015  0.0152875  0.1102020 -3.64978261 -4.3511281
## TYROBP        -0.0414366 -3.077268 -0.0436713 -2.3635000 -3.65373554 -2.3592519
## CD79A          0.0118844 -0.347398 -2.8895764  0.0677690 -0.00864517 -0.0389843

查看marker gene。

##  [1] "LTB"          "TRADD"        "TNFAIP3"      "RP11-138A9.1" "CD69"        
##  [6] "RORA"         "KLRG1"        "SESN1"        "TRGC1"        "LINC00987"   
## [11] "DUSP2"        "CD8A"         "KLRC2"        "CRTAM"        "GADD45B"     
## [16] "CCR7"         "RPS13"        "RPL35A"       "RPL34"        "RPL21"       
## [21] "ITM2C"        "LILRA4"       "IRF7"         "JCHAIN"       "MZB1"        
## [26] "PF4"          "SDPR"         "TMSB4X"       "NRGN"         "TAGLN2"      
## [31] "TAP1"         "DUSP4"        "CTLA4"        "FOXP3"        "PTTG1"       
## [36] "S100A6"       "LYZ"          "CSTA"         "FCN1"         "S100A9"      
## [41] "GIMAP7"       "MALAT1"       "RPLP1"        "GIMAP1"       "GCC2"        
## [46] "MBNL1"        "NDUFB11"      "NUFIP2"       "ALPK1"        "ZSWIM8"      
## [51] "CD79A"        "HLA-DOB"      "VPREB3"       "CD72"         "CD79B"       
## [56] "KLRF1"        "PRF1"         "SPON2"        "FGFBP2"       "GNLY"        
## [61] "LST1"         "IFITM3"       "AIF1"         "MS4A7"        "SERPINA1"    
## [66] "HLA-DRB1"     "HLA-DQA1"     "HLA-DPB1"     "HLA-DRA"      "HLA-DPA1"


使用热图对marker gene进行可视化。


我们选择 BlueprintEncodeData() 来作为参考数据。(Martens and Stunnenberg 2013; The ENCODE Project Consortium 2012)

##      B-cells CD4+ T-cells CD8+ T-cells           DC  Eosinophils Erythrocytes 
##          549          773         1274            1            1            5 
##          HSC    Monocytes     NK cells 
##           14         1117          251
